Former Councillors Made Honorary Aldermen and Alderwomen

Five recognised for their long service to the borough

Left to right: Samuel Curran, on behalf of his father, Steve Curran, Barbara Reid, Cllr Afzal Kiani, Mayor of Hounslow, Melvin Collins, Corrina Smart

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Five former councillors were made honorary aldermen and alderwomen of the Borough of Hounslow at a Council meeting this Tuesday (5 March).

They were being recognised for their distinguished record serving the council and the local community. Each had represented wards on the council for at least 12 years.

The selections were made by the borough’s Honours Task Group and the awards were made by the Mayor of Hounslow, Cllr Afzal Kiani at a special ceremony.

Among those awarded was former Brentford councillor Steve Curran who served a Leader of the Council for eight years including during the pandemic. Two former Mayors and Cabinet Members, Corinna Smart, who also represented Brentford for Labour, and Paul Lynch, who represented Chiswick Riverside ward for the Conservatives, had the honour bestowed on them along with Barbara Reid who was a former Leader of the Opposition and Cabinet Member.

Former Labour councillor Melvin Collins, who was the only one of the five not to serve in Cabinet, was made an alderman because he had long played a high profile role in promoting disability awareness and support across the council and the Borough, and was Chair of the Council’s Disability Community Forum for many years. In addition, each had served for twelve or more years as a councillor.

Cllr. Shantanu Rajawat, Leader of Hounslow Council, said, “We honoured five individuals whose service to the borough of Hounslow has been nothing short of extraordinary. Their passion, dedication, and commitment have left an indelible mark on our community. Awarding them the title of honorary aldermen and alderwomen is a testament to their outstanding contributions and our way of expressing the Borough’s gratitude for their years of service.

“In addition, the creation of our first honorary aldermen and women since the 1970’s is a fitting way of marking the sixtieth anniversary of this council’s first election.”

The Council will celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the first creation of the London Borough of Hounslow as a Council in May 2024. It was first elected on 7th May 1964 and sat as a shadow Authority until it took on its formal powers a year later. In those early days of the Borough, the Council still appointed aldermen, a practice which continued until the 1970s.

The honorary aldermen and alderwomen titles are awarded to former members of the council who have served with distinction and demonstrated exceptional service to the community for 12 or more years. This honour, one of the highest the council can bestow, recognises their contributions beyond the call of duty and their role in shaping the future of Hounslow.

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