Hounslow Council Launches Consultation on Dog Walking

Owners may face fines for failure to carry poop bags

Council says there has been an increase in complaints about dog related issues
Council says there has been an increase in complaints about dog related issues

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August 3, 2023

Hounslow Council has begun a consultation on proposals to give itself new powers to issue fines to dog owners in the borough.

The planned Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) provisions, identifies where, when, and how dogs can use green spaces.

The council says it has received an increase in complaints about dog fouling, dogs off lead and more than 4 dogs being walked at any one time and that clearer restrictions may be needed to ensure families, dogs and their owners and walkers can share public spaces in a safe and enjoyable way. A previous order which covered dog related nuisance has lapsed.

Proposals for the PSPO will be applicable borough wide, or for some proposals restricted to certain areas only, and will apply to publicly accessible land owned by Hounslow Council, including in parks, housing estates and cemeteries.

The proposed PSPO includes a requirement that anyone walking a dog in any public area must be able to show an authorised officer a poop scoop or disposable bag on request. If they fail to do so, they could be liable to a £100 fine and if they don’t pay withing 14 days they may face prosecution and a fine of up to £1,000.

Police Officers, Police Community Support Officers, the council’s contracted Enforcement Officers and other authorised personnel would be able to issue Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) to anyone they deem to be in breach of the PSPO.

The PSPO will also have ‘reasonable excuse’ clauses including some exemptions for registered blind people, deaf people and other people with disabilities who make use of trained assistance dogs.

Dogs would be excluded from all fenced children's play areas, all fenced sporting areas and the Turnham Green Remembrance Garden.

There would also be a limited of 4 dogs per commercial dog walkers who would also be barred from Stamford Brook Common recreation grounds and Brent Lea.

Cllr Ajmer Grewal, Cabinet Member for Safety and Regulatory Services, said, “I love dogs and understand the need to exercise them. I also fully appreciate that they can be a source of anxiety especially when they are being walked in great numbers in open spaces and around families with young children. This is why we are encouraging you to have your say on how we safely share our parks and open spaces with dogs.”

The consultation has started on Thursday (3 August) and is open for 12 weeks until 3 November 2023. To have your say visit the consultation page.

If you need a printed copy of this consultation, or an accessible alternative, such as Braille, large print or EasyRead, email engage@hounslow.gov.uk.

Once the consultation is concluded, the council says it will analyse the results and a report will be presented to cabinet which may then recommend implementation which would include the installation of signage. If introduced, the order will last for three years - when it will be reviewed and another consultation will be held.

Hammersmith & Fulham Council carried out a consultation on a similar PSPO earlier this year but is yet to announce a decision on implementation.


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