Hounslow Council Aims to Improve Domestic Energy Efficiency

New guide for residents on how to reduce fuel bills

Woman with a draught excluder presented with the new guide

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February 1, 2024

Hounslow Council has launched Enlighten Hounslow, an initiative to help improve domestic energy efficiency across borough.

It is hoping to increase residents understanding of energy use and reduce household costs.

The aim is to simplify the information available so that people are more able to discuss and understand the issue.

The campaign intends to provide clear and accessible support for residents seeking tips and advice on how to maintain a healthier home.

The awareness campaign is utilising webpages, shareable social media graphics and physical materials – including a new four-page flyer – to assist with household energy reduction tips that the council says could save residents hundreds of pounds on their annual bills.

In addition to short-term, immediate advice that can help residents reduce energy consumption and improve energy efficiency, the Enlighten Hounslow initiative is also raising awareness of the benefits of longer-term retrofit improvements for households.

Retrofit measures include installing insulation, improving ventilation, upgrading windows, and adding solar panels and air source heath pumps where suitable. Benefits can include better energy efficiency, warmer buildings that are cheaper to run, and less of a negative environmental impact.

Councillor Katherine Dunne, Deputy Leader of the Council, and Cabinet Member for Climate, Environment and Transport, said, ‘We want to help enable families to make sustainable and financially beneficial energy choices in the home.

‘Being able to understand the link between domestic energy and a home’s bills and health is a vital first step in making more informed decisions about energy use.

‘Because energy generated in the home is such a big contributor to our borough’s – and the UK’s – overall energy use, it’s crucial that our residents know the impact that is has, and how it can be reduced. Not only for the positive impact of energy reduction on the environment, but to aid households and residents in lowering energy bills.’

Homes generate 35% of all the energy used in the UK, and emit 20% of the country’s carbon dioxide. 32% of households in the borough of Hounslow are currently classed as energy inefficient.

To find out more about energy in the home and the support available, visit www.hounslow.gov.uk/enlighten-hounslow.

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