Another Prize for Local Animal Welfare Team

Hounslow Council unit given gold in the RSPCA Pawprints Awards

Star with team member Andy Newnham. Picture: Hounslow Council

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November 10, 2023

Hounslow Council’s Animal Welfare Team has been awarded gold in this year’s RSPCA Pawprints Award.

This repeats the feat of last year and the top award was given in two categories Stray Dog Services and the Kennelling.

For the last 15 years, the PawPrints award scheme has recognised local public-sector bodies and organisations for going above and beyond to deliver the best animal welfare services.

PawPrints covers five main areas: stray dog services, licensing of activities involving animals, contingency/emergency planning, housing and kennelling. Each has three levels: bronze, silver and gold, with each level carrying progressively more challenging criteria.   Criteria for the gold PawPrints Stray Dog awards include good practice for stray dog provision, responsible ownership, highest standards of kennel design, officers keeping dogs mentally engaged and stimulated with enrichment sessions while in kennels, record keeping and monitoring, and a working relationship with behaviour experts.

Only two gold standard awards for Kennelling were given in England for 2023 including the one two the local team.  The award recognises not just the work the team do with stray dogs, but also the care given to the animals of hospitalised residents and support available to them.

Lee Gingell, the RSPCA’s public affairs manager for local government, said, “Despite the challenging situation for all local authorities and public bodies across the country, we’re thrilled to see Hounslow Council pick up the RSPCA’s Stray Dog Services (Gold) and the Kennelling (Gold) PawPrints Awards.

“It’s a tough time for pet owners as the cost-of-living crisis continues, and a tough time too for local authorities and public bodies as demands increase and resources decline. In the face of these challenges, we’re proud to award Hounslow Council the PawPrints Awards for implementing and promoting schemes and policies that protect and promote animal welfare, and support pet owners - now more important than ever.

“From delivering events and providing information to promote responsible pet ownership to offering free and/or low-cost microchipping and neutering services and policies to protect animals during emergencies, staff do so much great work behind the scenes. Too often, their dedication, commitment, and inspirational work go unsung and don’t get the credit they deserve.”

Councillor Ajmer Grewal, Cabinet Member for Safety and Regulatory Services, said, “I‘m delighted that our team has been recognised once again in these categories, really showcasing the continuous hard work that the Animal Welfare team at Hounslow carry out all year round.
“Animal welfare teams have had their work cut out for them following a surge in dog ownership during the pandemic, so this recognition really displays that Hounslow is continuing to lead the way in promoting responsible dog ownership.”

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