Partnership Aims To Boost Number of EV Charge Points

Council wants to have a charger in every street by end of year

SureCharge lamppost chargers set to be rolled out in Hammersmith & Fulham
SureCharge lamppost chargers set to be rolled out in Hammersmith & Fulham


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A new partnership between Hammersmith & Fulham Council (H&F) and FM Conway is aiming to accelerate the rollout of EV charging points in the borough.

The council says the arrangement will allow them to deliver a new generation of easy-to-install chargers for electric vehicles.

This will enable it to surpass 3,000 charge points in the borough by the end of 2022 – three months sooner than anticipated.

Unlike many other lamppost chargers, FM Conway’s electrical vehicle charging solution – ‘SureCharge’ – can be attached to any existing streetlight column in the borough, removing the need for construction work.

The new 5.5kWh chargers use 100 per cent renewable energy, with a cost of 28p per kilowatt hour.

The new scheme could see 2,000 chargers installed borough-wide. The decision follows the council’s recent decision to invest £5million in local electric vehicle infrastructure.

The council says it already has the highest number of charge points per resident anywhere in country, including 10 24-hour rapid charge points and the world’s first ever Shell EV charging hub.

“Hammersmith & Fulham is on the fast track to creating the best e-charge infrastructure in Britain,” said Cllr Stephen Cowan, Leader of H&F Council.

“With this revolutionary piece of technology, we’ve found a way to connect more parts of the borough to the grid even faster. We encourage all those of our residents, who need or still want a new car, to make the switch to an electric one,” added Cllr Cowan.

The intention is that by the end of 2022, there will be at least one EV charger installed in every street in the borough.

Find your nearest EV charge point here.

You can request a lamp column charge point for your area. The council says it will consider every suggestion.


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Jacob Phillips - Local Democracy Reporter

June 14, 2022

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