H&F Appoints Its Youngest Ever Mayor

Recently elected 22-year old Cllr Emma Apthorp takes on the role

New 22-year-old H&F Councillor Emma Apthorp
New 22-year-old H&F Councillor Emma Apthorp


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Newly elected Hammersmith and Fulham Councillor Emma Apthorp will become the borough’s youngest-ever Mayor when confirmed on 25 May.

Council leader Cllr Stephen Cowan says he nominated the 22-year-old from Hammersmith to modernise the role, encourage more young people to engage in democratic public life, and to make improving the world for women and girls the centrepiece of the next mayoral year.

He added, “Emma is smart, committed and really cares about making a difference. As our new Mayor, she will not only help revitalise our local democracy for future generations, but she will also craft new ways forward that improves life for women and girls.

“Just two years ago, Sir Michael Marmot’s groundbreaking report found that, over the previous decade, life expectancy has actually fallen for Britain’s poorest women. Meanwhile, violence against women and girls has increased, and women face bearing the brunt of the worst cost-of-living crisis since records began.

“None of this is acceptable to us. Our message to everyone facing these challenges is: we’re on your side. I’m delighted Emma will help lead this fight.”

Cllr Apthorp said, “I’m grateful to have this opportunity to make a difference and that in this Mayoral year, improving life for women and girls, will be the centrepiece.

“It’s an honour to be the Mayor of this amazing borough, the place where I grew up and is my home. I will work hard and do my best for all our residents.”

Cllr Apthorp was elected as a new councillor for the Hammersmith Broadway ward on 5 May. She was born and grew up in Hammersmith. While at Cambridge University between 2017 and 2021, she campaigned for the university to pay its employees a living wage. Her community work includes advocating for penal reform through the charity Sing Inside and fundraising for breast cancer charities. In response to the pandemic and educational inequality, she provided free mathematics GCSE tuition.

Cllr Trey Campbell-Simon who represents Walham Green ward
Cllr Trey Campbell-Simon who represents Walham Green ward

Cllr Apthorp is joined on the council by 23-year-old Councillor Trey Campbell-Simon. Also elected on 5 May, he represents the Walham Green ward.

Cllr Campbell-Simon has been appointed as the borough’s lead councillor for youth advancement and will work with the council’s Cabinet and Mayor to improve wellbeing for young people.


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Jacob Phillips - Local Democracy Reporter

May 20, 2022

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