Sustainable Fashion Show to Be Held at Gunnersbury Park Museum

Upcycled and repaired clothes and accessories to feature

Upcycled and repaired clothes will be modelled at the event

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The organisers of a sustainable fashion show to be held in Gunnersbury Park are looking for local people who upcycle clothes and fabrics to create outfits or mend their own clothes.

The items will be featured in the EalingSewnUp Sustainable Fashion Show & Swap on 8 October in the Museum.

Ealing Repair Cafe has joined forces with ActforEaling and local groups to encourage sustainable fashion in Ealing. Anyone who either lives, works or studies in Ealing Borough is invited. The intention is to encourage people to move away from fast fashion.

Outfits and accessories for reuse will be featured including preloved and second-hand clothes as well as clothes that have been mended with patches or darned creatively. Also on display will be items that have been made from repurposed clothes and fabrics.

The organisers are looking for creative clothing items that have been repaired, embellished, patched and/or adapted to inspire others to reimagine their wardrobes.

You can submit your outfits to be displayed for the day and, if clearly labelled, they will be returned to you afterwards.

If you don’t have an outfit to lend, but still interested in getting involved, there are many ways to help out and the organiers are specifically looking for:

  • Models who represent the wonderful range of ages, shapes and colours in Ealing
  • Stylists keen to curate and celebrate sustainable style
  • Volunteers who can help sort clothing and help with set up
  • Donations of clean, no-longer-worn clothes that could transform an outfit for someone else

Register here to find out more or volunteer to join the Ealing Sewn Up team.

For more info email


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August 18, 2022

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August 18, 2022