Lane Closures on North Circular to Resume |
Work on improving Gunnersbury Avenue safety to last through to Summer Gunnersbury Avenue north of Chiswick Roundabout. Picture: Google Streetview Lane closures on the North Circular (A406) near Chiswick Roundabout are to resume later this month. The northbound carriageway on Gunnersbury Avenue will again be reduced to a single lane from 21 January to allow work to take place on the road up to the junction with Popes Lane. Closures are expected to continue through until summer. Further lane reductions in both directions will be required while they install the new central island from March. The work will see a central reservation created between the footbridge near Princes Avenue down to Power Road. TfL say this is in response to a number of severe collisions and near misses along this section of the A406. It will separate opposing lanes of traffic so vehicles cannot use oncoming lanes to overtake and remove the risk of collisions involving right turning vehicles. The speed limit on this section of the road will also be permanently reduced from 40mph to 30mph bringing it into line with the speed limit of adjoining sections of theA406 North Circular. TfL consulted on these plans in early 2016. Their consultation summary report shows that 75% of the 139 respondants said they supported or partially supported the proposals. TfL say that to minimise the overall impact of construction on residents, businesses and road users they will be carrying out the work in three phases. • During phase one they will relocate the kerb on the eastern side of Gunnersbury Avenue between Park Way and the Power Road Bridge to widen the road, providing space for the new central island. This will involve digging down into the ground and diverting underground utilities (such as water pipes and electrical cables) and installing the new kerb line. This work is planned from 21 January to early March They plan to work seven days a week – 07:30 to17:00 on weekdays, and 09:00 to 17:00 at weekends – to complete the scheme as quickly as possible. Directional road closures will also be required while they resurface the road during phase three. This activity will be overnight to minimise disruption.