Win in two categories in the RSPCA's Pawprints Awards

Star (left) and Andy Newnham
The Council’s Animal Welfare Team have been awarded the RSPCA’s Pawprints gold award in two categories – the Stray Dogs service category and the Kennelled Dogs category.
Making it a hattrick, one of Hounslow Council’s Animal Welfare Officers, Andy Newnham, has won the 2022 RSPCA Special Recognition award for work carried out to disrupt puppy farming during lockdown, work on animal welfare prosecutions, and efforts in building community relations and supporting animal owners.
The RSPCA Pawprints awards recognises and celebrates local authorities, housing providers, and police officers who have gone above and beyond for animals in their communities.
Andy said, “This is completely unexpected, as the competition is so tough. I’m overwhelmed by the support that officers from the Met police, RSPCA inspectors and our local community animal groups gave to the nomination, and I’m honestly over the moon to receive the award. I also have my colleagues and Hounslow residents to thank for it, without whom this wouldn’t have been possible.”
Only four gold standard awards for Kennelling were given in the UK for 2022. The award recognises not just the work the team do with stray dogs, but also the care given to the animals of hospitalised residents and support available to them.
Criteria for the gold PawPrints Stray Dog awards include good practice for stray dog provision, responsible ownership, highest standards of kennel design, officers keeping dogs mentally engaged and stimulated with enrichment sessions while in kennels, record keeping and monitoring, and a working relationship with behaviour experts.
Councillor Shantanu Rajawat, Leader of Hounslow Council, said, “A huge congratulations to the team and to Andy, a fantastic achievement for us as a borough. Achieving the gold level is testament to the standard of facilities Hounslow have, and the training and experience afforded to animals in our care by specialist Animal Welfare Officers. This recognition speaks volumes and shows that Hounslow cares about its animals and leads the way for other boroughs to follow.
“Dog ownership is a commitment and responsibility. With the cost-of-living crisis the work we do around animal welfare is becoming increasingly important, we want dogs to live in homes where they are loved and cared for.”
For more information on Animal Welfare visit the Hounslow Council website.
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October 13, 2022