Borough attracted criticism for earlier cancellation due to Queen's death

Araba at the Council's inaugural Cost of Living Marketplace. Picture: Hounslow Council
A Cost of Living Market Place was held at Hounslow House this Wednesday (28 September) which the council says was attended by over 250 residents.
It had earlier attracted criticism for postponing the event due to the death of the Queen with some claiming that it demonstrated the wrong priorities.
The event was hosted by the Council’s Community Solutions team and featured thirty stalls offering advice, guidance and support on Employment and Training, Food, Housing, Money Matters and Wellbeing.
Attendees were also able to find out about staying connected, fit, and healthy around the borough.
Araba, who leads The West London Ghanaian Association, said, “I found out about so much that will help me personally as well as my members so I’m going back to tell them about all the help that’s out there. An event like this can only do good, I’ve been really impressed.”
Among the attendees was Councillor Shivraj Grewal, Cabinet Member for Communities and Equalities, who added, “Matters associated with the cost of living are a priority that cut across the Council and this was, in effect, Community Solutions live! The team are out and about in the borough, up to six days a week, signposting residents to the support available. We urge you to reach out and get help before you reach crisis point.”
The council says that further details of follow up events will be announced in due course.
Click here to find out more about support offered by the council for residents struggling with the rising cost of living.
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September 29, 2022