Prominent active travel campaigner given transport role

Cllr Katherine Dunne nominated as cabinet member for Climate, Environment and Transport Strategy
The new leader of Hounslow Council, Shantanu Rajawat, has announced his picks for cabinet positions.
The nominations will now go to the Annual Meeting of the Council on Tuesday, 31 May at Hounslow House for confirmation.
The Cabinet will contain many familiar faces with over half having served under the previous leader Steve Curran.
The appointment likely to attract the most comment is that of Cllr Katherine Dunne to the transport role. This suggests a continuation of the policies carried out during the previous administration under Hanif Khan as Cllr Dunne is a prominent supporter of active travel and a member of the London Cycling Campaign.
Following her nomination to be Cabinet Member for Climate, Environment and Transport Strategy, she said on Twitter, “Delighted I can continue to work for sustainable & healthy borough via transport strategy prioritising walking, cycling & public transport. I'm committed to making this work for residents & will be engaging with people across the borough on existing, experimental & proposed LTNs."
The other appointments are as follows:
Cllr Sue Sampson - Housing Management and Homelessness.
Cllr Ajmer Grewal - Safety
Cllr Tom Bruce - Regeneration and Development.
Cllr Salman Shaheen - Parking, Parks and Leisure.
Cllr Guy Lambert - Environment, Highways and Operational Services.
Cllr Shivraj Grewal - Communities and Equalities.
Cllr Samia Chaudhary - Adults and Health Integration
Cllr Lily Bath - Children, Learning and Employment.
The Leader, Mayor and Cabinet members formally take up positions following the Council AGM on the 31 May.
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May 24, 2022