Tree Tributes for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee

Plantings across the borough including at Turnham Green and Watermans Park

Steve Curran, Ed Stanley from the Friends of Turnham Green and Cllr Ron Mushiso planting a trSteve Curran, Ed Stanley from the Friends of Turnham Green and Cllr Ron Mushiso planting a tree

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Council leaders and civic dignitaries in Hounslow have honoured Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee with a series of special tree plantings across the borough.

Over the past week, the Mayor of Hounslow Councillor Bishnu Gurung and the Leader of Hounslow Council, Councillor Steve Curran have taken part in a series of ceremonial plantings.

The celebrations began at Brentford’s Boston Manor Park and Watermans Park, where Cllr Gurung planted young Hornbeam trees. Cllr Curran then went to Turnham Green in Chiswick, where he was joined by ward member for Turnham Green Cllr Ron Mushiso, and the two rolled up their sleeves to join in with the ceremonial tree planting. The Turnham Green event is part of a wider initiative which will see 19 new trees planted throughout the popular beauty spot. After some controversy cherry trees are now being planted on the green.

The final event saw the Mayor joined by outgoing Deputy Lieutenant Paul Kennerly at Sutton Playing Fields in Heston to plant small trees, including the Mayor’s English Oak sapling, into a new copse.

The tree planting was held as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy, a national call to action to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. The initiative asks people from all walks of life, community groups and organisations to plant a tree to create a legacy of honour for the Queen’s 70-year reign.

Working through its delivery partner, GreenSpace 360, the Council has pledged up to 300 new trees across the borough for the Queen’s Canopy initiative, to honour her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee.

“We are proud to be part of The Queen’s Green Canopy,” said the Mayor of Hounslow, Cllr Gurung. “Trees create landscapes, whilst benefiting wildlife and people. They secure a green future for many generations to come. It is an honour to be able to pay tribute to Her Majesty in such a positive and thoughtful way.”

The council says that there are more than 123,000 trees on Hounslow’s streets, estates, parks and open spaces.

Leader of Hounslow Council, Cllr Curran, said, “We are delighted to pay this tribute to Her Majesty The Queen’s 70 years of service to the nation.

“As one of the greenest boroughs in London, it is only fitting that we are celebrating this moment in our history by planting more trees. Every tree we plant is another step in the right direction to ensuring a greener, healthier future for our borough. We look forward to watching these small shoots grow to maturity over the years and give everyone who sees them the sense of pride that we all feel by living in Hounslow.”

To find out more about trees in Hounslow and how to plan a woodland walk, visit Hounslow Greentalk.

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March 21, 2022

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