Gyms and pools will be shut for installation of solar panels and heat pumps

The gym at Chiswick New Pool
A programme of works at leisure centres across the borough of Hounslow will require their closure during the month of March in some cases for over a week
As part of its on-going commitment to a healthier, more sustainable environment, Lampton Leisure, in partnership with Hounslow Council, is undertaking a project which aims to substantially boost the sustainability and energy efficiency of the centres that it runs.
Thanks to the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS), run by the Department for Business and Industrial Strategy, all the Borough’s leisure centres will be undergoing phased work.
The building works will include: the installation of Photo voltaic panels that turn daylight into energy, traditional light bulbs replaced with LED lighting and traditional gas-fired boilers will be replaced with modern Air Source Heat Pumps - supplying super-efficient, low-cost energy-saving heating and hot water.
Installation of PV panels will take place while centres are open, however the switch to LED lighting and the installation of Air Source Heat Pumps will require centre closures, to complete the works.
Works have been scheduled to be staggered between leisure centres to minimise impact on the borough and current proposed closure dates are as follow:
• Isleworth Leisure Centre 03.03.2022 – 13.03.2022
• New Chiswick Pool 14.03.2022 – 20.03.2022
• Brentford Fountain Leisure Centre 21.03.2022 – 27.03.2022
All centre members should have been contacted directly about planned closures and to advise that their memberships will be valid across all other Lampton Leisure sites, so they can continue to keep active while their centre is closed.

The pool at the Brentford Fountains Centre
Rowland Omamor, Managing Director of Lampton Leisure, said, “We are delighted to be able to upgrade four more of our centres so they can utilise more sustainable green energy in years to come. This grant scheme will provide really valuable upgrades to our facilities and although we know that the closures will cause some disruption to centre users, we hope local residents will understand the value of these works”
Cllr Samia Chaudhary, Cabinet Member for Leisure Services, added, “We all have a duty to do what is best for our environment as we head towards a future that is potentially threatened if we don’t act now on climate emergency.
“Staggering the temporary closure of our leisure centres to do these vital works will pay huge dividends in saving on our carbon footprint and ensure our leisure centres are fit for the future. It’s an opportunity the council has seized to ‘future-proof’ all leisure facilities in Hounslow with funding through the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS), which is run by the Department for Business and Industrial Strategy.”
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March 11, 2022