Ruth Cadbury Condemns Universal Credit Cuts at Foodbank

MP has visited local food distribution centres recently

Ruth Cadbury MP visits a foodbank in Brentford
Ruth Cadbury MP visits a foodbank in Brentford

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Ruth Cadbury, MP for Brentford and Isleworth, has described food poverty as a national scandal after a visit to two local foodbanks.

She went along to the centres following the government’s decision to cut Universal Credit by £1,000 a year earlier this month.

She visited the Brentford base of Hounslow Community Foodbox from where it has been supporting nearly 13,000 people during the pandemic with food parcels and other essential items. Referrals to the Foodbox have increased by 400% during the coronavirus pandemic alone.

Ms Cadbury also visited Holy Trinity Church in Hounslow, where they have an informal food distribution three times a week.

The MP says that 30,000 households in the borough of Hounslow alone will be affected by the cuts.

Speaking after the visits, she said, “I was pleased to meet with and listen to volunteers at both Hounslow Foodbox and Holy Trinity Hounslow who work so tirelessly to support our local community. I’m so proud that over the last 18 months so many people and local businesses have pulled together to offer support or donations.

“It is a national scandal that food poverty continues to impact so many families across the country. In the last 5 years alone referrals to national food banks such as the Trussell Trust have increased by over 100%

“Rather than tackling food poverty the Government have only made this crisis worse by cutting £1,000 from Universal Credit, which thousands of people locally, many of whom are in work, claim in order to buy food for their families, or pay the bills. Along with soaring energy prices and a national insurance tax hike the Government is making life worse for so many families across the country.’’

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in an interview with LBC radio following the cuts, “I understand that people feel times are difficult at the moment because we have got an economy that’s coming out of a very tough period with the Covid pandemic and it’s growing strongly now.

“We’ve got the fastest economic growth in the G7.

“What we won’t do is take more money in tax to subsidise low pay through the welfare system

“Mr Johnson said there was a £500 million hardship fund, an increase in childcare provision, an increase in the local housing allowance and warm homes discount to help people who were struggling.

“What we won’t do is take more money in tax to subsidise low pay through the welfare system.”

The UK’s relatively fast economic recovery comes after the steepest decline among developed nations during the pandemic.

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October 27, 2021

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