Ruth Cadbury MP Shows Her Support for the RNLI

Visits Chiswick Lifeboat station as charity faces criticism over migrant rescue

Ruth Cadbury MP on the Chiswick RNLI Lifeboat
Ruth Cadbury MP on the Chiswick RNLI Lifeboat

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Brentford & Isleworth MP Ruth Cadbury has demonstrated her backing for the RNLI by making a visit to the Chiswick Lifeboat station.

She defended the charity from what she described as ‘deeply immoral’ undue criticism over the participation in the rescue of migrants in dinghies in the English Channel.

She was briefed by the Chiswick crew on the challenges they have faced over the last eighteen months. Given the tour by Wayne, the station manager, and a group of their volunteers, Ruth heard how the majority of their work is about protecting those who underestimate the dangers of the Thames or to rescue those attempting suicide.

RNLI Chiswick is the second busiest of all the RNLI stations across Britain and Ireland, with Tower Bridge being the busiest. Both only came about after the Marchioness party boat tragedy in August 1989, the aftermath of which meant that in 2002 the RNLI set up four lifeboat stations on the Thames—at Gravesend, Tower Bridge, Chiswick and Teddington.

After the visit Ms Cadbury said, “Throughout the pandemic, I have kept in contact with RNLI Chiswick to support them and their volunteers during these testing times. Despite the important public service that the RNLI does, almost all their funds comes from charitable fundraising.

“The recent attempts by the far-right to demonise the RNLI for carrying out lifesaving work was deeply immoral.

“I was delighted to see the public’s response to the criticism, with the waves of donations made in the days following. I am incredibly grateful to our local RNLI and their volunteers for keeping West Londoners safe while on the Thames”.

To learn more about the work of the RNLI Chiswick and to donate, follow the link here.

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August 11, 2021

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