Hounslow Conservatives Pledge To Be 'Critical Friend'

Offer to work in co-operation with ruling group on the council

The Conservatives retained all three seats in Chiswick Homefields ward

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ChiswickW4.com and BrentfordTW8.com

The Conservative opposition group on Hounslow Council has offered to be a ‘critical friend’ to the ruling Labour group following last Thursday’s election.

The party locally can reflect on a performance that exceeded most expectations on what was generally a miserable night for Conservatives in London with key losses in Wandsworth, Westminster and Barnet.

Confounding earlier poll projections that Labour could even make a clean sweep of all the wards in the borough, the Conservatives managed to increase their number of councillors compared to 2018 and retain their level of representation from just before the election.

Allan Joseph won a seat in Hanworth Village and all the remaining seats in the borough were retained with the exception of a surprise loss in Chiswick Riverside where Amy Croft was successful for Labour becoming the first person from that party to represent the Chiswick area in twenty years.

In response the Conservatives said, “Seeing a change in Chiswick, the Group extends a hand of cooperation with the new Labour Councillor, Amy Croft (Labour, Chiswick Gunnersbury), whom we look forward to working with to ensure we continue getting the best results for the residents of Chiswick. Changes will now occur on how the Chiswick Area Forum is led, how surgeries are organised, our weekly blogs for Chiswickw4.com, Scrutiny Committee Call ins, and other matters affecting Chiswick. Our Conservative councillors in Chiswick will continue in their hard work for our residents and we hope that our new Labour colleague and the general Labour Party will put politics aside and focus on serving the community.”

The group thanked outgoing Labour leader Steve Curran for his work over the last eight years and wished him a speedy recovery adding, “We look forward to working with the new leader, but we will maintain our position in being a constructive opposition and critical friend of the

The Conservative Group will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Monday 30 May and says it will make its manifesto pledges for a cleaner, greener borough the foundation of their mission in the new term.

Brentford TV's John Dale was at the election count last Thursday night/Friday morning and made this film of the candidate's reactions.


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May 10, 2022

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