Steve Curran Confirms He Has Been Diagnosed with Cancer

Tributes paid to outgoing Leader of Hounslow Council

Steve Curran by Brentford BridgeSteve Curran by Brentford Bridge. Picture: Steve Curran/Twitter

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Cllr Steve Curran, the Leader of Hounslow Council, has confirmed that the reason he has chosen to stand down is that he has recently been diagnosed with cancer.

Having only specified that he was stepping down due to illness in his surprise resignation announcement made at the Borough Council meeting on Tuesday 1 March, he confirmed the nature of his illness in his most recent weekly blog.

He said the diagnosis had come as a shock adding, “I would like to thank the NHS for the excellent care and support I have been receiving. My treatment has commenced - and will take some months, however, following a short break this month I will remain in office until 10th May 2022 and will continue serving the residents and businesses of Hounslow borough until that time.

“I would also like to urge anyone who is feeling unwell or having any symptoms that they are worried about to contact their GP. Our NHS services are there to help support and care for you. Your health is important, don’t delay getting the advice you need. Find more information about health services on The NHS website.”

Colleagues and staff at Hounslow Council have confirmed that Cllr Curran worked exceptionally long hours during the pandemic to help guide the borough through the crisis.

Even before the full facts behind his announcement were known tributes poured in for Cllr Curran. Despite having a reputation as being pugnacious, he had many friends across the political divide.

Brentford and Isleworth MP Ruth Cadbury said, "As a result of Steve’s leadership Hounslow was justifiably awarded the national Council of the Year by the Local Government Chronicle. Despite the multiple pressures and funding cuts, Hounslow delivers services well, and was particularly praised for the way help and support went to the most vulnerable, and also to local businesses during the height of the Covid pandemic. Steve will be a hard act to follow!"

The Hounslow Labour Party said on Twitter, “Steve led the Council through the pandemic and achieved so much, including meeting housing targets and bringing us LGC's Council of the Year award. Thank you and speedy recovery!”

Tom Copley, the Deputy Mayor of London for Housing said, “Steve leaves a big legacy. He has been a brilliant leader who has driven up affordable housing development in Hounslow. Years ago he invited me to open a refurbished Gypsy & Traveller site in the borough. More recently, he made the largest Right to Buy-back deal with City.”

The local Chiswick, Brentford and Isleworth Conservative Association said, “Steve has been a dedicated public servant in our borough for over a decade as both a councillor and as the council leader. We were sad to learn of his illness, and send him all of our best wishes for a quick and full recovery.”

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March 11, 2022

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