Council Ramps Up Winter Vaccination Programme

Residents being urged to get their flu and COVID-19 jabs as infections rise

Health officials in Hounslow are urging residents to ensure they are up to date with their flu and COVID-19 vaccinations
There will be site across the borough where you can get your jab

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Health officials in Hounslow are urging residents to ensure they are up to date with their flu and COVID-19 vaccinations.

The latest government information shows that COVID-19 cases are increasing in the borough of Hounslow with the latest infection rate is currently 54 cases per 100,000 population. This equates to 146 confirmed positive cases in the borough between 4 October and 10 October, compared with 135 for the previous week. This represents an eight per cent increase in COVID-19 cases.

Research has shown that those people who get flu and COVID-19 at the same time are more likely to become seriously ill.

Officials say that eligible residents who get their jabs now will also be helping to relieve pressure on frontline health services in the borough as the NHS enters its busiest time of year.

It is expected that more people will get flu this year due to reduced immunity levels following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Residents are also advised to make sure they get their COVID-19 boosters as well. Immunity to the virus appears to reduce over time.

The council says COVID-19 booster jabs are available in the borough for eligible groups at walk-in clinics and other venues. You can find out more and book online here.

COVID-19 and flu jabs in Hounslow are free through the NHS for certain groups of people including adults aged 50 and over, carers and healthcare staff, pregnant women, people aged four to 49 with clinical risk and people with suppressed immune systems. Children aged two to 10 can get free flu jabs but will not be given the COVID-19 autumn booster.

People who are not eligible for free flu jabs may be able to get them through their employer or can choose to pay for them.

Vaccinations are available at several locations, including GP surgeries, pharmacies, maternity services, schools or by visiting the Health Outreach Team

Hounslow’s Director of Public Health, Kelly O’Neill, said: “During the pandemic, we all learnt about the importance of getting vaccinated to protect ourselves, our loved ones and the community. We now need people in our borough to maintain the level of protection against these avoidable infections and make sure they are up-to-date with their vaccinations and boosters. With winter upon us our local health services are already under significant pressure, so we all must do our bit to help them and each other.”

Cabinet Member for Adults and Health Integration, Councillor Chaudhary, said the Council and its partners are working hard to support residents during the winter.

She said: “Winter is always a busy time for health and social care services in our borough. Now, with the cost of living crisis and people struggling to heat their homes we are facing extra challenges in helping to keep people warm and healthy.”

“We all must work together to rise to these challenges and everyone has a part to play. The best way to help is to keep yourself safe. If you are eligible for a free flu jab, please make use of it. Please make sure you also top up your immunity against COVID-19 with your autumn booster. Remember, protect yourself, protect others and protect our NHS.”


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October 14, 2022

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