Hounslow Community Foodbox seeing a month's demand in a week

Young volunteers at Hounslow Foodbox
Hounslow Community Foodbox is currently getting as many referrals as they received in the average month last year.
This has put a strain on their resources and they are now calling for extra donations over the Christmas period.
Hounslow is projected to be one of the hardest hit boroughs economically due to the impact of COVID-19 and lockdown. An independent report by Oxford Economics, commissioned by the Council, forecasts an almost £1bn hit to the borough’s economy due to the downturn at Heathrow, and estimates more than 40,000 jobs could be at risk.
The total projected impact on Hounslow’s economy is expected to be £2.7 billion for 2020/21, and new data this month found 40% of the borough’s workforce is now unemployed or on furlough.
Hounslow Community Foodbox are a volunteer run registered charity (1170666) which provides emergency food and support and advice to those who are in need and live in the London Borough of Hounslow.
The Hounslow Community FoodBox is now operating from premises at the Rose Community Centre, Hawthorn Road, Brentford, TW8 8NT during the.
To contact them to find out more about their services and how to access support call 07719 891787 during opening times or 07718 263614.
You can also contact them by email at info@hounslowfoodbox.org.uk
The opening times are:
Tuesday to Friday 10am to 1pm
Saturday 10am to 12pm
They are grateful for all non-perishable, frozen and fresh food donations but the regular food items required include:
Tinned & fresh potatoes or mash
Tinned meat - casseroles, corned beef, ham
Tinned Fish - tuna, salmon, sardines
Tinned vegetables - sweet corn, peas, carrots, beans
Tinned and fresh fruit
Pasta sauces
Tomato sauce
Small cooking oil
Tinned soup
Baked beans
Tinned custard
Rice Pudding
Long life milk
Baby food & milk
Pet food and non-food items such as toiletries, cleaning products and nappies are also very welcome.
They are also happy to receive financial donations to help run and expand the service. You can make personal donations go even further through Gift Aid. By saying “yes” to Gift Aid you can help the FoodBox to do more – at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid is a government scheme that allows charities to reclaim the tax that has already been paid on donations from UK taxpayers. If you choose to Gift Aid, the government will add an extra 25p to every £1 you give to the FoodBox.
To donate click here or contact Philip Jones at treasurer@hounslowfoodbox.org or 07743 547262.
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December 4, 2020