Maximum Council Tax Rise Part of 'Triple Whammy' for Residents

Leader says 'responsible' budget needed due to financial pressures

Bills for Hounslow residents will rise in April

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February 14, 2023

Hounslow Council has published its planned budget for the next financial year confirming it intends to increase council tax by the maximum allowed.

It says the proposals are for a ‘responsible’ plan which can ensure it can balance the budget in the context of extraordinary financial pressures, whilst delivering on its commitments.

The rise of 4.99% will be more than doubled by the larger increase in the Mayoral precept which is collected along with the tax payable to the borough.

The Conservative opposition have described it as a ‘triple whammy’ for residents many of whom will also be subject to paying the daily ULEZ charge for the first time if the Mayor’s proposal to extend the zone in August proceeds. At present, Chiswick is the only part of the borough which is within the zone.

The council says that funding provided by central government assumes that local authorities will increase their bills by the maximum allowed and 2% of the rise will be ringfenced for adult social care. It points out that, with inflation at a 40-year high, rising costs, and increasing demand for vital services, this is inevitably a tough time financially and it claims reduced government funding is adding to the pressure. It has been necessary to draw on some of the borough’s reserves to balance the budget.

The council says that despite the challenges it has delivered on its ambitious corporate plan including pledges on house building, tree planting, extra police officers, encouraging prosperity on borough high streets, public health and providing support to those most in need struggling with rising prices.

The council says it will also continue to offer what it describes as one of the most generous Council Tax Support schemes in London and is proposing to ‘top up’ the help available to eligible residents, with an extra £50 off bills.

Councillor Shantanu Rajawat, Leader of Hounslow Council, said, “This month we have set out our budget plans for the year ahead – to ensure we can continue to deliver for the residents, communities, and businesses of Hounslow through challenging times.

“We remain committed to building a Thriving, Safer, Cleaner and Greener, Healthier and more Liveable borough for all – by delivering our ambitious corporate plan.

“However, like all councils we find ourselves under considerable financial pressure as we face the combined impact of soaring inflation and rising demand for vital, frontline services for our most vulnerable residents.

“Whilst careful financial management over many years means Hounslow is in a relatively strong position among local authorities, the extraordinary economic climate means we have little choice but to propose to raise Council Tax to ensure a balanced budget and – to ensure we can deliver the quality of services and support residents expect and deserve.

“If the proposals are accepted, the average resident will see an increase in Council Tax, and whilst our council tax remains well below the national average, I fully appreciate this is an added cost for residents at a time when household finances are already stretched.”

Cllr Peter Thompson, the leader of the Conservative opposition group said, “Whilst we understand all councils are in a difficult position due to the economic challenges being faced around the world, the question Hounslow Labour needs to ask itself is whether it has cracked down on the waste and inefficiencies in the council before coming cap in hand to residents.

"Local people are about to be hit by a triple whammy of Hounslow council tax increases, increases in Sadiq Khan’s council tax precept, and the introduction of ULEZ to the western part of the borough - all despite the council receiving the largest cash and real terms funding increase since 2010. We will continue to hold Labour to account to fight against Sadiq Khan’s unfair raid on working people and ensure local people are getting value for money from their local authority.”

If the council tax rise is agreed at the next cabinet meeting on Tuesday 21 February, the recommendation will be put forward to be discussed at the full council meeting on Tuesday 28 February.

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