Council Team Up With Brentford FC for White Ribbon Day

Part of an international campaign to eliminate violence against women and girls

•	Marcus Gayle Brentford FC Ambassador and Cllr Shantanu Rajawat Leader of Hounslow Council
Marcus Gayle and Cllr Shantanu Rajawat

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This Friday (25 November) is White Ribbon Day, an annual event which is part of the world’s biggest campaign to eliminating violence against women and girls. To support this campaign, Councillor Shantanu Rajawat, Leader of Hounslow Council along with Marcus Gayle, former Brentford player and Club Ambassador signed their names on the White Ribbon pledge.

Marcus Gayle, Brentford Football Club ambassador, said, “This year, White Ribbon Day, falls during the FIFA World Cup. There has never been a better time for us to come together and start playing as a team to end violence against women and girls.

"I feel proud to wear the white ribbon and I would encourage men and boys to pledge their support. We can all make a difference together.”

From November 25 to December 10 each year the United Nations runs its global 16 days of activism campaign, which this year in Hounslow includes Hounslow House being lit up purple, a social media campaign, a pop-up event with local voluntary and community group and partners to raise awareness around gender-based violence. Southall Black Sisters, Asian Women’s Resource, Cranstoun and the Police were among some of the stall holders at the 16 days of activism pop up event held at Hounslow House.

As part of the campaign this year, Hounslow Council’s Learning to Respect team ran a poster competition, inviting all children and young people in Hounslow schools to take part. Children were asked to put together a poster showcasing their learning and understanding of the ‘Learning to Respect’ Programme and healthy relationships. The winning entry was announced at the pop-up event held on 25 November at Hounslow House.

Councillor Shantanu Rajawat, Leader of Hounslow Council, said, “A huge congratulations to Zion Mascarenhas in Year 1 from Alexandra Primary School for his winning poster. I was really moved to see a child that young understand and express what a healthy relationship looks like.

“We know that the youth are the most powerful generation who can help end violence against women and girls in our society which is why our Learning to Respect programme plays such an important role. By raising awareness in schools, and other settings, on the issue of domestic violence and by promoting healthy relationships, we are demonstrating a commitment to early intervention and the prevention.

“Violence Against Women and Girls is quite simply abhorrent and I would like to encourage all men and boys to call out and speak up to prevent violence and abuse against women and girls. Let us all play our part in being part of the solution.”

Southall Black Sisters, said, “16 Days of Activism for us at Southall Black Sisters is time to take stock and to take the opportunity to use our platform to lift the voices of black and minoritised women to be heard. It’s also an opportunity to be reminded of the work that needs to be carried out both on the local and national level. The 16 days are well spent to highlight the journey of our service users including putting a spotlight on the barriers they continue to face. We see them do this every day – they are the true heroes.”

Working with a host of local partners, the Council’s strategy of tackling violence against women and girls is due to be launched by the end of the year.

Domestic violence can affect anyone and can harm your physical and emotional wellbeing. The One Stop Shop in Hounslow provides free, confidential support and advice. Call: 078 1003 1780 (Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm).



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November 25, 2022

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