'Tame(ish)' Former Gurkha Becomes the New Mayor of Hounslow

Cllr Bishnu Gurung elected despite challenge from Conservatives

Cllr Bishnu Gurung - the new Mayor of Hounslow

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Cllr Bishnu Gurung has been made the borough of Hounslow’s 56th Mayor during the Council’s Annual General Meeting held online this Tuesday 4, May.

The former British Army Staff Sergeant, who was born and raised in Nepal, has been described as a ‘tame(ish) Gurkha’ by his colleagues. He replaces Cllr Louki who held the office for two years due to the pandemic.

the Conservative Group put forward Councillor Ranjit Gill as their candidate for Mayor. His colleagues said he was an ideal candidate because of his ability to bring both sides of the political spectrum together but the council stuck with the choice of Cllr Gurung. If he had been elected Cllr Gill would have been the first openly gay Mayor of the London Borough of Hounslow.

On the departing Mayor the Conservatives said, “His mayoralty has sometimes been described as that of ‘Handforth Parish Council’. Cllr Louki definitely enjoys the ‘mute’ button when it comes to Councillors rightfully attempting to speak at a meeting.”

Cllr Louki disputes this saying that he only employed the mute button once while chairing metings and then with notice adding, "The councillor at its receiving end had earlier been asked not to repeat theirselves on a matter not on the agenda which could not be immediately resolved. Nothing like Handforth which has become a lazy metaphor for the knockers of anything misunderstood taking place at online meetings."

Cllr Gurung was first elected to the Council in 2014, serving the Hanworth Park ward.

During his time in the Army he served in various parts of the UK, along with Hong Kong, Brunei, and Singapore. He retired from the armed forces in 1995, after completing 19 years’ service. He received the prestigious Long Service and Good Conduct medal upon retirement.

In 2005 he settled in Hounslow, and now works as a full-time bus driver for Transport for London. Along with his day-job and Council duties, Cllr Gurung is involved in supporting various charities and local organisations. He is a division secretary and caseworker for SSAFA (Soldiers, Airmen and Families Association) which is his chosen charity for his Mayoral term. He also serves as a trustee and advisor to the Dewachan Buddhist Centre and was the founding Chairman of the Gurkha Nepalese Community Hounslow.

Outside his professional duties, Mayor Gurung is married with three grown-up children who work in a variety of sectors in the UK ranging from the medical sector to IT and finance.

In his spare time he enjoys staying active, taking part in various sports such as basketball, badminton, and swimming.

Speaking after his election to the office of Mayor for the next 12 months, Cllr Gurung said, “I feel proud and honoured to have been elected to the role of Mayor, representing such a vibrant borough.

“The past year has been challenging for everyone and I am committed to helping our borough recover and fulfilling my responsibilities.”

Mayoral duties include promotion of the Borough and its civic life, attending citizenship ceremonies, hosting events such as Holocaust Memorial Day and Remembrance Day, opening events (often making speeches), awarding prizes, meeting dignitaries and other guests and sometimes eating cake as well.

Commenting on his chosen charity for the year, SSAFA, he said, “I am a veteran and have seen the situation and understand very well a soldier's life. I have witnessed first-hand the support SSAFA provide to our Armed Forces and their families, which is invaluable. That is why I would like to support this charity; to give hope and a better life and it’s also an issue very close to my heart.”

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May 16, 2021

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