Parking Time Limit Waived During Bus Strike

No maximum wait in on-street bays in Hounslow borough

Route 65 is one of the affected services. Picture: Ian Armstrong

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The time limit for on-street parking bays in Hounslow borough will not be applied this Friday and Saturday (5 and 6 March) .

This is to allow people forced to drive to work during the bus strike to be able to find somewhere to park.

The bus drivers are taking industrial action due to a number of working practice changes which they say could effectively reduce their income by £2,500 per annum.

This is the second in a series of planned strikes.

Cllr Hanif Khan, Cabinet Member for Transport and One Hounslow said, “If the strike does go ahead, we know this will cause some amount of disruption and put a strain on any buses routes not affected by the strike.

“To help our residents who genuinely have no other option but to drive for all or part of their journey, if the bus strike does go ahead, drivers will be able to park in any on-street pay-to-park bay beyond the normal maximum 2 or 4 hour stay without further charge. To benefit from this, the driver must purchase the maximum permitted stay in the normal way using Pay-to-Park or a pay and display machine. Although the ticket will show the parking period ending after 2 or 4 hours, we will not issue a penalty charge notice providing the car is moved before the start of the next day’s paid-for parking period. This special arrangement will run between 08:00 Friday 5 March and 20:00 Saturday 6 March 2021.”

Routes affected

5 March 293, 404, 413, 463, 467, 470, S1, 633

5 and 6 March 18, 33, 65, 70, 71, 72, 110, 116, 203, 223, 224, 265, 266, 283, 371, 406, 411, 418, 419, 423, 440, 465, C1, H22, H32, H37, H98, K1, K2 ,K3, K4, K5, 613, 662, 665, 671, 681, 696, 697, N18, N33, N65, N72, 111, 148, 220, 281, 85, 94

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March 5, 2021

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