Brentford Penguins Featured on The One Show

Players make surprise appearance to thank coaches Vickie and Allan

Allan and Vickie were surprised when their players appeared. Picture: BBC

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July 21, 2023

The work of the coaches at the Brentford Penguins Football Club was featured on the BBC’s One Show this week.

In a segment called One Big Thank You, presented by Alex Jones and Roman Kemp, Allan Cockram and Vickie Smith, who run the organisation, were praised for their work in bringing the game to people of all ages and abilities.

Their Planet Penguin Football Foundation founded the first official Brentford FC for players with Down's Syndrome and they have also launched walking football clubs for men and women over 50.

Allan and Vickie thought they had been invited on the show to walk about their work and the Women’s World Cup not knowing that the real reason was for their club members to say thank you. Standing outside the One Show studios, they were shown messages of gratitude from their players and friends.

Then Roman Kemp told them this was not the only surprise. Players from the Penguins team emerged along with three former Lionesses, Alex Scott, Rachel Yankey, and Ellen White, and Allan and Vickie were swamped with hugs.

Alex Scott said, "Vickie and Allan, you two are both amazing humans, it's incredible. We all think that at The One Show, everyone here [does. You're] bringing people together – I'm getting emotional seeing this reaction!"

Following this there were more messages from footballers Jill Scott and Kelly Smith and Allan and Vickie were presented with their own trophy.

The Brentford Penguins Football Club was set up in October 2017 for children with Down’s syndrome. In September 2022, The Brentford Emperors FC was launched. It is a Walking Football team for men over 55 to help tackle issues with mental health, fitness and wellbeing. This was followed in April 2023 with the launch of the Brentford Empress Penguins FC, a Walking Football team for ladies over 40.

This May the club was granted Charity Status with the umbrella name of Planet Penguin Football Foundation (charity no. 1202901). It continues to be supported by Brentford Football Club, the Brentford Community Sports Trust and is affiliated with the Middlesex FA and the Walking Football Association.

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