Hounslow FoodBox Preparing for Harvest Festival

Produce for its own allotments makes up important part of distributions

Brickfield grown produce is distributed to people using the centreBrickfield grown produce is distributed to people using the centre

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Autumn is an especially busy time for Hounslow Foodbox particularly as some of the produce it distributes comes from its own allotments at its Brentford base.

It receives many welcome donations of food, especially at Harvest Festival - from schools, community and religious organisations, supermarkets, independent retailers and the public - which are distributed to people in need in the borough five days a week.

In addition to canned and packet goods, freshly baked bread, eggs, milk and other household essentials, recipients often find fruit and vegetables grown by the centre on Brickfield Close. This wouldn’t be possible without the energy and hard work of volunteer Martha Elsesser, herself a several times winner of the Hounslow in Bloom award. The Brickfield allotment has produced a bumper harvest this year in time for Harvest Festival in October. People who either collect from FoodBox at the Rose Community Centre on the Syon Estate or have it delivered by any one of 20 volunteer drivers, have enjoyed many great fresh treats such as corn, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber and butternut squash this autumn, and there's more to come.

Martha with the lettuce crop at the Brickfield allotment
Martha with the lettuce crop at the Brickfield allotment

The FoodBox expects to be busier than usual this year and is encouraging donations of both food and funds to support those people who currently need a helping hand.

Volunteers are always needed - to help Martha at the Brickfield allotment, to collect donations, pack parcels at Rose Community Centre or to drive out with deliveries. If you, or someone you know, can spare just a few hours during the day each week, please get in touch!
You can contact the FoodBox - a registered charity - by email at info@hounslowfoodbox.org.uk

A spokesperson for the organisation said, “Hounslow Community FoodBox supports local residents in a time of need with essential food supplies. Whilst emergency food can't solve poverty, it can provide a lifeline while other issues in people's lives are being addressed. Our doors are open to everyone who share our core value of making a positive impact on our community.”

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September 29, 2022

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