E-Bikes and Scooters Could be Banned from Thames Path

Council asks residents for views following walkers' safety concerns

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December 29, 2022

E-bikes and scooters could be banned from the Thames Path in 2023, after residents reported concerns over safety to Hammersmith & Fulham Council.

Among those concerns are the speed of these vehicles,obstructions on public walkways, and potential collisions with walkers and other cyclists.

In response the council is now considering introducing a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) to prohibit the riding of e-scooters and e-bikes and other motorised vehicles along the Thames Path.

The council is also considering the prohibition of reckless riding of pedal cycles and whether to include segways, mopeds, quad bicycles and hoverboards.

These rules wouldn’t apply to mobility scooters or other mobility aids.

A PSPO, which if introduced would be in force for three years, would allow Police and Law Enforcement Officers to issue fines to people using these vehicles along the Thames Path, from the west end of the borough in Hammersmith to the east in Fulham.

H&F Council is now seeking residents’ views on whether these restrictions should be introduced and if so, whether they should apply between 8am-8pm (seven days a week), 24 hours a day (seven days a week) or something else.

To have your say, complete the survey on the council’s website.

This consultation will run throughout January 2023, closing on Sunday 29 January.


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