New Year Honour for Visiting Professor at UWL

Judge Tanweer Ikram awarded with a CBE

Judge Tanweer Ikram

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A judge who has spent years teaching law students at the University of West London (UWL) has been recognised for his work within the legal profession in this year’s New Year Honours list.

Deputy Senior District Judge, Tanweer Ikram, has been made a Commander of the British Empire (CBE) in recognition of his services to judicial diversity.

As well as being a senior judge and Deputy Chief Magistrate of England and Wales, Judge Ikram is a Visiting Professor at UWL’s School of Law where he was made an honorary doctor in recognition of his ongoing professional achievements.

Over the past few years working with UWL, Judge Ikram has played an important role providing marshalling experience on the bench for Law students and continues to share his expertise by training and judging aspiring lawyers during university mooting competitions.

Philip Ells, Head of the School of Law, said: “This is another incredible achievement for Tan who has had a lengthy and impressive career in law.

“Not only does he continue to make his mark championing diversity within the profession, but he does a great deal for students here at the School of Law, supporting them as they study and offering marshalling opportunities as they develop their careers.

“He has been an inspirational and devoted guide for our students as they explore their next steps, and we congratulate him on his honour.”

UWL’s School of Law focuses teaching on Law in Action, with courses designed to provide students with a well-rounded, skills-based and professionally relevant qualification.


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January 6, 2022

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