UWL Launches First Sustainable Food Course

Focus will be on alternative ways of cooking and eating

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The University of West London (UWL) is claiming to be leading the way towards a environmentally friendly culinary future with the launch of a the UK’s first fully-sustainable course.

Focusing on plant-based menus, the BSc (Hons) in Future Food and Culinary Management will teach students about responsibly sourcing food, and how to follow eating trends in a way which will be as harmless as possible to the planet.

They will also benefit from one of the first plant-based pastry courses in efforts to educate the next generation about the impact and limitations of dairy alternatives.

Run by lecturer and food expert Ben Christopherson, the course is built around a sector of future-proof and sustainable ingredients for cooking and eating.

Ben, a former pastry chef who has been working at UWL for the past decade, said, “This course has been developed here at the University to be entirely sustainable and focused on building a more sustainable future.

“Our relationship with food is so damaging to the planet. Even small changes can have a huge impact so we want to look at how we will be eating and how food will evolve in the next few years, and how we can support these trends responsibly.”

“The whole industry is changing, meat consumption has reduced massively and the rise in plant-based eating is being supported by some of the biggest global manufacturers and restaurants.”

“We want to teach students how to respond to these foods and to have an awareness of how different ingredients work. Knowing what is sustainable and how to make the right choices in the kitchen will give them a strong future whatever they chose to cook.”

More detail of the course are available on UWL’s website.

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November 17, 2021

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