Working with the community to make improvements in treatment

Central Middlesex Hospital. Picture: John Goodman
May 25, 2023
The London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust (LNWH) is holding its second public engagement event for patients, service users and other community members affected by sickle cell disease.
The event, which will be held with support from the Sickle Cell Society, is designed to help the service to work with community members on making long-term improvements in treatment.
Those affected by sickle cell are encouraged to come to the Avery Jones Lecture Theatre at Central Middlesex Hospital between 5:30pm and 7pm on Thursday 8 June.
The service believes it has already made significant progress in the last year, from establishing a dedicated sickle cell admission area on its haematology ward to offering the new NICE-approved monoclonal antibody treatment Crizanlizumab.
It is now focussing on a range of other initiatives, including improving access for patients and service users, and developing dedicated educational programmes. Many projects draw on feedback and requests from the public engagement event held in October last year.
Chief Executive Pippa Nightingale said, “At our last event, we were privileged to listen to and learn from the lived experiences of many people in our communities who live with sickle cell disease and their family members.
“We pledged to act on both local and national issues raised during that event, and I’m looking forward to being able to report back on what we’ve done.
“It’s vital that we continue the conversation about how we can build a sickle cell service that really works for our local people: we remain committed to listening and acting on what we hear.
“I hope that many of our patients will join us for our engagement event to hear how we’ve put their feedback into action, and to share more ideas for the future.”
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