Ealing Man Arrested in Connection with Mosque Attacks

Red paint was thrown on buildings across west London

Rupa Huq MP visits Acton Central Mosque after one of the incidents. Picture: X/Rupa Huq
Rupa Huq MP visits Acton Central Mosque after one of the incidents. Picture: X/Rupa Huq

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November 29, 2023

A 61-year-old man from Ealing has been arrested after a spate of attacks on mosques and Muslim owned businesses in the area in which their buildings were defaced with red paint.

The arrest took place on Monday 27 November and the man remains in custody held on suspicion of racially aggravated criminal damage. Officers believed that a series of twelve Islamophobic incidents, that took place in the boroughs of Ealing and Hammersmith & Fulham between Monday, 16 October and Saturday, 18 November, are linked.

These include damage to the PistaHoney patisserie and café by the junction with Grove Road in Acton. The Syrian-owned establishment was hit on Monday 23 October.

Three days later, on Thursday 26 October, red paint was daubed on the iron gate of Acton Central Mosque on Oldham Terrace. The same venue was attacked again in a similar manner on Saturday 4 and Monday 6 November. Similar attacks with red paint have also been reported at another Mosque in the area, the Masjid Ezzeitouna in East Acton with the most recent incident taking place on 5 November between the two attacks at the Acton Central Mosque. An Imam at the Mosque has also had his car tyres slashed and car damaged.

The Mosque has requested that additional cameras with night vision be installed in the area.

Local MP Rupa Huq visited the Acton Central Mosque during the attacks and warned the perpetrator that they would be caught.

There have also been attacks on the Palestinian Mission in Hammersmith.

Detective Superintendent Figo Forouzan, leading the investigation, said, “Hate crime has no place in London. Its effects run far deeper than property damage, and the impact on victims can linger beyond the removal of the paint. Officers have been working incredibly hard to identify the individual responsible for these offences and provide the relevant support and reassurance to those affected.

“The victims are being supported by dedicated faith officers, and neighbourhood teams have changed their patrol times and routes to provide additional reassurance.”

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