Police to Explain How 'A New Met for London' Works in Ealing

Commissioner reveals plans to overhaul policing

Sir Mark Rowley explains how he intends to transform law enforcement in the capital
Sir Mark Rowley explains how he intends to transform law enforcement in the capital

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July 26, 2023

The Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Sir Mark Rowley has formulated plans for the future of the service in the capital called ‘A New Met for London’.

A meeting has been organised to explain to residents and businesses in Ealing how this will change how the police work in the borough with senior officers from the West Area Command on hand to asks questions.

It is taking place on Tuesday 8 August from 6pm-9.30pm at the University of West London but you are asked to arrive at 5.40pm. The free event is open to all and light refreshments will be served but, as space is limited, you need to pre-register.

It is part of a series of 32 events being held in every borough across the capital which will include information about the future of various branches of the services including Safer Neighbourhoods Teams, CID and emergency responses.

The Met says that the aim of the plans is to put communities back at the heart of policing as it delivers more trust, less crime and high standards.

A dedicated neighbourhood superintendent has been appointed in every borough with Sean Lynch taking the role in Ealing.

Key targets include enabling Londoners to get to know their local officers, for victims to be satisfied with the response when they make contact, a reduction in disproportionality in the use of powers across London's communities, a commitment to increase the number of more serious crimes such as rape, domestic violence and child abuse that are solved and quick action on officers who themselves offend.

The Met says that it has already started to achieve results on issues which it believes are most important to Londoners including a reduction in residential burglary and attendance at almost every call. Homicide and serious violence are also below pre-pandemic levels. Calls about anti-social behaviour are also down 18%.

240 posts in central teams are being realigned to create larger and more agile proactive policing units in each Basic Command Unit and local public protection is being strengthened by putting an addition 565 people into specialist teams to help target perpetrators.

The new approach will see a focus on the most dangerous men in London who pose the greatest threat to women and girls with a list of the top 100 offenders being created. Police will use a tool called the Cambridge Crime Harm Index, which gives each offence a score based on the seriousness of the offending. These suspects are being targeted with a combination of local and specialist teams, using tactics typically reserved for countering terrorists and organised criminals.

A spokesperson for the Met said, “The plan sets out how we will deliver better policing as we radically transform the organisation to set our officers and staff up to succeed. We want Londoners to know their local officers and work with them to help shape their policing priorities, to reduce crime and to tackle anti-social behaviour.”

Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley, said, “I care deeply about this mission and I’ve been candid from day one about the scale of reform needed to make it a success.

“Our people want to better serve the public and have been calling for change.

“We want the public to trust in the work we’re doing, to see how we're fighting crime in their communities and how we’re keeping people safe.

“The data tells us that the majority of Londoners still trust us, more so than many other professions, but in recent years, confidence has fallen sharply and trust has been dented. We must repair that.

“We have seen serious failings, but the vast majority of our people come into work every day and do extraordinary things because they care greatly about the city and the people they protect.”

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