Ealing Council Signs Deal for More EV Charge Points

44 on streets sites across the borough will be given over to electric vehicles

Guy Bartlett, CEO of Believ and Cllr Deirdre Costigan Guy Bartlett, CEO of Believ and Cllr Deirdre Costigan

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November 28, 2023

Ealing Council has reached an agreement with electric vehicle (EV) charge point operator (CPO), Believ, to install a new batch of charge points.

There are to be an additional 44 sites across the borough to be given over to on street charging with a total of 83 charge points each with two sockets.

Believ says that it delivers charge points at zero cost to local councils.

The move marks an acceleration of the programme of EV point installation in the borough after it was appearing to lag other parts of London. A survey published in March 2022 by price comparison site Compare The Market suggested that the Ealing ranked 25th out of 32 London local authorities for rapid charging points and 21st for all types of charging points. This led to calls from the opposition Liberal Democrats to allow residents to charge their vehicles from cables linked to their home supply provided appropriate safety measures were taken.

Councillor Deirdre Costigan, cabinet member for climate action and deputy leader of Ealing Council said: “Our partnership with Believ is bringing tangible benefits to local people.”

“With a focus on installing where residents are no more than a 10-minute walk from a charge point, Ealing Council has already doubled the number of charging points in the borough in a year, and I am confident that our joint efforts can help us reach our goal of 2,000 EVCP’s by 2026, lowering emissions and reducing air pollution for our residents.

“It’s crucial that our 7 towns and their suburban areas benefit equally as EV charging infrastructure will boost local businesses, attracting more visitors to the borough to experience everything Ealing has to offer.”

Guy Bartlett, CEO of Believ, added, “We are very pleased to be supporting the borough in its drive to improve air quality in the local area, reflecting our own commitment to deliver cleaner air for all.”

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