Local pupils practice paperclip physics

Latymer students make the Southern and London Grand Final

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Students from Latymer Upper School joined students from across the South East of England at one of the UK’s most challenging science competitions.

Paperclip Physics, which is organised by the Institute of Physics, is a schools competition that challenges students to use their imagination to demonstrate to a non-scientist a principle or application of physics of their choice. However, they can only use items they can find in a typical home and have just five minutes to get their message across.

Dr Liz Parvin, co-organiser of the competition, said, “Students really used their imagination and produced very amusing demonstrations. We have seen shower curtains, flour, plastic guttering, rolling pins, office chairs and many other apparently disconnected items woven into excellent demonstrations.”

Students from Latymer Upper School made it through to Southern and London Grand Final, which was held just before the Easter Break at the National Maritime Museum on the 21st March.

Four students from Latymer’s Lower Sixth gave a presentation on the subject of Flight. Their team, “The Aviators”, has been practicing hard and wowed their audience with the history and theory of hot air balloons, gliders and powered aircraft including jets.

Dr Parvin added, “Paperclip Physics has been designed to test the students’ ingenuity, understanding of a physics principle or application, ability to work in teams, and most importantly, their ability to communicate their understanding to non-scientists. It promotes the development of vital communication skills highly sought after by employers and universities.


March 24, 2006