Chiswick School Student Smashes Record With 14 GCSEs

New all-time best results a 'step-change' for the school says headteacher

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Dylan Carty gained 14 GCSEs at A* or A Grades

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Chiswick School Students achieved record GCSE results across the board in 2013. All measures were up in an increasingly tough national picture. The headline measure of 5A* to C with English and Maths was up a massive 6% on last year to 67%.

Dylan Carty broke all school records achieving an incredible 9A *s and 5As. ‘I feel very excited about these results’, he said. ‘I worked really hard and it paid off. I would like to thank the staff who were very helpful in getting me these results’.

More able students achieved an 8% increase in students achieving at least 5A* to A grades. Around one quarter of students achieved at least 5As and 63% of students achieved 5A*s to B with over half of GCSE entries translating to at least grade B. The number of students achieving the EBAC was also up 13% from 22% to 35%.

Maths results were up with above 80% of students achieving at least a C and English results recovered from the exceptional circumstances of last year with 71% achieving at least C up 4%. Science results were up too with 82% of students gaining at least two sciences up 5%.

Overall 98% of students achieved 5 GCSEs or equivalent at 5A*to C. The school also achieved its highest value added score to date 13 points above the national average showing that whatever their starting point in year 7, students are all making exceptional progress at Chiswick.

Nina Pryce and Laura Reid, long standing friends through their years at Chiswick did exceptionally well. Laura achieved 7A*s and 5 As and Nina 7As . Both girls were delighted.

Nina Pryce and Laura Reid

Giulia and Laura Piscatelli are identical twins who achieved 21 A*s to A between them. Giuilia was particularly pleased. ‘I was ill during the examinations and still managed to do well’, she said. Her achievement is particularly admirable as Giulia overcame dyslexia to achieve these grades. Her sister Laura said, ‘I am delighted by my results and am looking forward to the sixth form’. Both girls also achieved the Extended Project Qualification which is A level standard.

Giulia and Laura Piscatelli

Benedict Segal achieved 12A to A*s and was very complimentary about the school. ‘I am really glad’, he said. The whole year deserves credit as we all pulled together to get these results. I want o say a huge thank you to all my teachers.’

Several students achieved far more than they expected. Ajmal Mirzad achieved 8 As. ‘I am absolutely speechless’, he commented, ‘and am looking forward to the sixth form.’

“This set of results sees a step-change for Chiswick School’, said a delighted Mr Ryan , Head teacher ‘Not only have we added at least 7% (with some grades still outstanding) to the number of students achieving 5 or more A*/C grades including Maths and English but the percentage of students gaining 5 or more passes overall is also up to 98%, this threshold figure is so important for the progression of some of our students to level 3 advanced courses. At a time when moderators are putting pressure on students achieving higher grades, the number of Chiswick students achieving A*/B has risen by 7%. We are delighted for our students and for their parents who trusted and supported us to deliver. One final word of thanks must go to Chiswick staff, as a Head teacher I could not ask to work with a more dedicated team of professionals.’


August 22, 2013