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Police roadshows give advice on reducing theft from cars
Ealing police say, Public awareness is key to Ealing Borough Police's fight against motor vehicle crime. We are fully committed to reducing motor vehicle crime on Ealing Borough and we have had success. We achieved fantastic results in partnership during the last financial year with reductions of 7% in Motor Vehicle Crime offences. However the public have a role to play too and this crime prevention drive will remind people that taking a few seconds to cover up their valuables, or take them with them, may save them from being the next victim of vehicle crime. Borough Commander Martin Bridger of Ealing Borough Police believes the public has a key part to play in crime prevention: "Our crime preventative message is simple: keep valuables out of sight whenever you leave your vehicle. Remember motor vehicle offenders tend to be opportunistic - don't make yourself an easy target." Motor Vehicle Crime is an Ealing Borough priority with a target of a 5% reduction over the year April 2004 to March 2005 Between April 2004 � August 2004 Ealing Borough has achieved a 4.4% reduction on motor vehicle crime offences compared to April 2003 - August 2003. This equates to 142 less victims of motor vehicle crime on Ealing Borough. During the crime prevention awareness campaign Ealing Borough officers from the Safer Cars unit will be on hand to offer crime prevention advice on motor vehicle crime at the following Dates, Times and Venues across Ealing Borough: Home Base, Acton Wednesday 20 th October 2004 0930am � 1630pmSafeway Acton Thursday 21 st October 2004 0930am � 1630pmEaling Broadway Friday 22 nd October 2004 0930am �1630pm Shopping Centre December 8, 2004