Restored Boston Manor House Reopens to the Public

Venue relaunched with a weekend of free family events

Restored Boston Manor House Reopens to the Public
The newly refurbished Boston Manor House

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July 7, 2023

Boston Manor House reopened to the public this Friday (7 July) after the completion of a multi-million pound refurbishment programme.

The relaunch of the 400-year-old building begins with a weekend of events including guided tours and sessions for parents and toddlers. There will be more community programmes and public events coming soon as the House gradually ramps up its operation.

Through support from The National Lottery Heritage Fund, the Mayor of London’s Good Growth Fund, Historic England and other funders, this Grade I listed building was removed from Historic England’s ‘Heritage at Risk Register’ in 2022 following a £6 million restoration.

The aim is to recruit more than 200 volunteers by the end of the year to help Hounslow Council’s Historic Houses Team run the venue which will also continue to provide work placements, internships, and apprenticeship opportunities for young people under 25.

Each room in the building has been restored to the period evident in its decoration by professional craftsman and architects. Visitors will be able to immerse themselves in the history of the Jacobean House that spans from the 17th century through to the 21st century and the stories of those who have lived in and used the building. There is also a changing programme of special exhibitions planned, with the first exhibition is about the recent restoration work.

A purpose-built lift has been installed to enhance accessibility. There is also a café serving food and drinks. The team at Boston Manor House are now working on promotion of its learning offer for local school children and the marketing of the House as an out-of-hours occasion venue for wedding ceremonies and special events. It’s also possible to hire meeting rooms by local community groups, charities and companies in opening hours.

The free to enter House will now be open six days a week from Tuesday to Sunday, 12-5pm.

Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London, Rosi Prescott DL FRSA said, “Congratulations to Hounslow for the successful opening of Boston Manor House to the public and I am excited about meeting new visitors from across the borough. They are bound to be as excited as I am about the restoration and history associated with the House. It’s an absolute gem and definitely a great place to visit and enjoy.”

Councillor Shivraj Grewal, Cabinet Member for Communities, Equalities and Culture at Hounslow Council, said, ''The opening of Boston Manor House to the public is a statement of the borough's relentless commitment to preserving Hounslow's heritage and promoting our cultural identity. The House will provide residents of all ages an exciting place to learn, discover and socialise, it will become a vital community asset in itself, where everyone is welcome."

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