Boston Manor House Restoration Highly Commended

Work of team recognised at the Civic Trust Awards

The Boston Manor House team receives its award

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May 2, 2023

The project to restore Boston Manor House has received recognition at a national awards ceremony.

The House, which recently underwent a five-year £6 million restoration project, received ‘highly commended’ in the Civic Trust AABC Conservation Awards.

This category highlights the highest standards of historic building conservation across the UK.

The Jacobean House, which is run by Hounslow Council, has been restored to reflect its 400-year history and will reopen to the public this summer. For many years, the House was on the “Heritage at Risk Register” due to it falling into disrepair. Hounslow Council, along with the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Mayor of London’s Good Growth Fund, Historic England, Historic Houses Foundation, Wolfson Foundation, Pilgrim Trust, and Heritage of London Trust, pledged to restore the house to its former glory in 2017.

Rather than return the House to a single point in its history the project aim to restore in a way that helps to tell the 400 year history of an often changed house.

Commenting on the recognition, the judges said, “Presentation of the interiors and the research and recording involved in presenting accurate representations of the building have allowed it to be brought back to life.”

Judges also highlighted how the historic house will now become a vital community asset; it is due to be open six days a week and run predominately by volunteers.

Councillor Shivraj Grewal, Cabinet Member for Communities and Equalities at Hounslow Council, said, “I am delighted that Boston Manor House has been recognised at this awards ceremony. A well-deserved accolade that is credit to the staff, craftspeople and funders who made this restoration a reality.

“The judges also recognised how the House will embed itself in the local community; we will now provide placements, apprentices and internships for young people under 25 – within the heritage sector - until at least 2025.”

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