Wandsworth Ramps Up Active Travel Plans

Future Streets, a new package to promote cycling and walking, launched

Cabinet Member for Transport Cllr Clare Fraser
Cabinet Member for Transport Cllr Clare Fraser


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Wandsworth Council has launched a new programme to boost cycling and walking in the borough.

It describes Future Streets as a far-reaching plan to promote greener travel options including more school streets, cycle lanes and the possible introduction of e-scooters on a trial basis.

A comprehensive new Walking and Cycling Strategy has been formulated to promote eco-friendly forms of travel.

The School Street programme is to be expanded with a target of introduction at half the borough’s primary schools.

Designs have been made to Improve pedestrian safety at the busy crossing points on Putney High Street near Putney Bridge and safer cycle routes are to be introduced in and around Putney High Street.

Proposals that could see an e-scooter trial coming to Wandsworth are to be given the green light along with measures to ensure more responsible use of e-bike hire schemes – and fewer pavement obstructions.

The council is also bringing forward plans for an extensive new cycle route on Burntwood Lane in Earlsfield.

The borough’s network of electric vehicle charging points is to be expanded further to support emissions-free motoring. The council says the borough has the second highest number of charging points in London already.

Launching the borough’s Future Streets active travel strategy, Cabinet Member for Transport Cllr Clare Fraser said these measures were in addition to an ongoing series of initiatives to support cleaner and greener modes of travel which includes unveiling the borough’s 100th bike hangar – with a commitment
to provide secure storage space for another 1,000 bikes in the next two years.

She said, “We are serious about delivering the kind of sustainable active travel options that will help people to take up cleaner and greener forms of travel.

“We want to radically increase the number of journeys made on foot, by bicycle and on public transport. Reducing unnecessary car usage will have significant benefits for people’s health and well-being and help raise air quality standards. And in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis where family finances are under severe pressure, choosing to travel on foot or by bike can offer big savings to residents.

“This package of measures is just the beginning. We are committed to tackling congestion, improving air quality and making our roads and streets safer for all.”


The council’s programme has been welcomed by London’s Walking and Cycling Commissioner Will Norman, who said, “We’ve seen a huge rise in walking and cycling over recent years as more and more Londoners, across all ages, enjoy using sustainable ways to get around the capital. It’s fantastic to see great boroughs like Wandsworth taking bold action to deliver these greener and more sustainable transport options for residents. “

“The Mayor and I are determined to continue building a safer, fairer, greener and more prosperous London for everyone and we will continue to support Wandsworth’s efforts to make it easier for people to cycle and walk around the borough.”


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November 4, 2022

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