Local UKIP Candidate Resigns From 'Small-Minded Party'

Richard Hendron claims he was subject to a campaign of homophobic abuse

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The candidate who stood for UKIP in the Brentford and Isleworth constituency at the last general election has resigned from the party saying that he has been the subject of a campaign of homophobic abuse in which senior party officials have participated.

Former police officer Richard Hendron had claimed that the party was committed to equality when he stood for parliament but in a letter sent to the Party Chairman this week he stated, 'It is a party dominated and controlled by white middle-aged heterosexual men who do not believe in libertarian values, equality or valuing difference. It’s a party that’s becoming even more small minded.'

He said that as a result of promoting LGBT issues within the party he has witnessed intolerance like he has never been seen before. He now says that the party at best tolerates gays rather than accepting them.

According to Mr Hendron, he was forced to hand his resignation in when he learned that UKIP had put up Alan Craig to stand against Him for the GLA hustings for the Southwest Constituency comprising of Hounslow, Richmond and Kingston. He describes Mr Craig as 'a vile, nasty homophobic individual who is driven by hatred of the LGBT community' stating than Mr Craig has won Stonewall’s “Bigot of the Year Award”. Mr Hendron claims that putting up Mr Craig as a candidate to stand against him was "a deliberate act intended to undermine equality and cause distress".

He further alleges that he was the subject of a dirty tricks campaign within the party in which applications to stand for seats were consistently lost. He also says he was denied membership of the party's LGBT group.

The 35-year old from Ealing said in an interview last year with Brentford TV that there were no more "fruitcakes" in the party than there were in any of the other parties, it was just that the media was focused on UKIP.


Mr. Hendron interviewed last year before he changed his view of UKIP

Mr. Hendron, was educated at Gunnersbury School and who is now working as a criminal barrister. A former Conservative, who assisted Oliver Letwin in his successful 2010 election campaign, he switched parties four years ago saying the Tories had lost sight of their policies. He agreed with the UKIP position on immigration and said when he was with the Met, he saw on a daily basis how the huge demand for schools, housing and hospitals was caused by uncontrolled immigration.

We have contacted UKIP to ask for a response to the allegations made about their party.


February 7, 2016

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