Empty Lillie Road Parade to Pop Up Back to Life in November |
Earls Court developer applies to reopen pubs and shops for next two years
Two pubs and adjoining premises at 2 - 14 Lillie Road, which were closed down and earmarked for demolition as part of the massive Earls Court development, are set to be temporarily revived next month. The sites of the former Prince of Wales and Imperial Arms, just west of West Brompton Station will be part of The Prince at Brompton Crossing, the latest pop-up project to be run by the locally based Incipio Group. The Prince, centred around the reopened pub on the corner of Lillie Road and Empress Place plans to open on 9 November offering "One street, four house restaurants, two bars and an enclosed woodland pergola garden". An application for temporary planning permission has been submitted to H&F Council by the Earls Court Partnership, a joint venture between Earls Court developer Capco and Transport for London as follows: 2017/03178/FUL | Temporary changes of use from Class A1 use to Class A3 use at No.6 Lillie Road; Class A4 use to Class A3 use at No.8 Lillie Road; Class C3 use to Class A4 use at first floor of No.14; with associated temporary works including installation of extraction equipment and flues to rear elevations at Nos.2-12 Lillie Road; and landscaping to enable use of land at the rear of 7-11 Empress Place as a temporary garden linked with garden of No.14 Lillie Road. | 2-14 Lillie Road And The Rear Gardens Of 14 Lillie Road And 7-11 Empress Place London SW6 1TU You can read the application and supporting documents in full, and add your comments here. Though the planning application is for three years, Capco say that it envisages The Prince being open until late 1919. There is also a second application for premises at 16 - 22 Lillie Road, which were also closed down by the developer, for a temporary change of use to Class A1, which means retail. A letter accompanying the application from planning consultancy DP9 Ltd says: "The proposed temporary pop-up will bring eleven vacant commercial units back into use and provide a range of high street uses that will be available to the local community. "The proposed temporary uses will create numerous job opportunities and the improvement to this local parade will improve the character and appearance of this part of Lillie Road for both the local community and visitors to enjoy." The letter goes on to say that the temporary "pop-up" period for the whole parade, from 2 - 26 Lillie Road is proposed to run as a "meanwhile" use during the interim period before redevelopment proposals for Empress Place are finalised and secured. It adds that units at the western end will be operated by independent retailers, while those at the eastern end will be managed by one sole operator. The sole operator, Incipio, specialises in "creating bespoke consumer locations and venues, each with a unique and unforgettable atmosphere." However, this temporary scheme indicates that Capco has changed its plans, and redevelopment of this area will not take place until at least 2020. October 6, 2017