Southall Biofuel Inquiry Ends

Decision now rests with the Secretary of State

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The Public Inquiry into the controversial biofuel plant in Southall has now concluded.

Friends of the Earth, Biofuel Watch and Ealing Council all gave evidence about the potential damage that could be caused if the fuel plant got the go ahead.

Last year Ealing Council voted unanimously to reject a proposal from Blue-NG for the power station at the site of the old Gasworks.

Blue-NG maintained that the development would be a vital means of supplying electricity to the area but the application attracted a storm of protest. It was called in by Mayor Boris Johnson and a public inquiry has been taking place at Ealing Town Hall.

Nic Ferriday, from Ealing Friends of the Earth, said :

“Blue-NG refused to accept any responsibility for the health impacts of the air pollution that the power station would cause.

“Blue-NG also refused to accept any condition on the sourcing of the biofuels that the power station would burn. This means that they could burn any fuel they wanted – for example palm oil grown on cleared tropical rainforest.

“To add insult to injury, Blue-NG attacked Ealing council and the democratic system by claiming costs from Ealing council. They argued that the democratically elected councillors had behaved “unreasonably” to oppose the power plant on the grounds of air pollution and health of local people.”

Following the Public Inquiry, the Inspector will make recommendations to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, John Denham. The Secretary of State will make the final decision.



March 18, 2010


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