Brentford Councillors Want Police to Stay In Town

Claim the replacement for station front desk 'unacceptable'

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Brentford Councillors Ruth Cadbury and Mel Collins have vowed to oppose plans to site the replacement for Brentford's Police station at the base of Cornish House, in the Tower Blocks on Green Dragon Lane, over a mile from the heart of the town centre.

The Brentford Police Station is to close

"It is bad enough that we are to lose the town's Police station as a result of Boris' cuts to the Met," said Cllr Cadbury, "but to replace the front desk with Contact Point open for as little as three hours a week, in a room that is out of the way and difficult to get to on public transport is simply unacceptable".

The Councillors first heard about the proposal at last month's Community Police Consultative Group meeting and have offered to help the Met to find a better venue.

The Councillors on the High Street

"People wanting to talk to a Police officer need somewhere that is safe and secure, but also easy to get to" said Cllr Collins.  "We have offered to work with the Borough Commander to find a more accessible base in the heart of the community. ”

The Councillors are pictured here outside the Docking Station, a community hub in the middle of Brentford High Street.  It is one of several venues that the Councillors feel the Police should have considered at a future Contact Point.

June 4, 2013