Ruth Cadbury MP Marks Firefighters Memorial Day

Visits Isleworth Fire Station to meet local staff

Ruth Cadbury and Cllr Louki meet Isleworth Fire Station staff
Ruth Cadbury and Cllr Louki meet Isleworth Fire Station staff

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Ruth Cadbury, MP for Brentford and Isleworth, has visited a local fire station to join staff in commemorating Firefighters Memorial Day.

She went to the station at Isleworth on Wednesday 4 May alongside Cllr Tony Louki to remember that over 2,300 firefighters have died in the line of duty, and to also meet with the fire crew and hear about their ongoing work.

Speaking after her visit Ms Cadbury said, ‘‘Our firefighters run into danger every day and perform a great duty to keep us all safe. I know that local residents greatly value the amazing and heroic work they do, along with their tireless community work to educate and inform about the risks of fire.
Firefighter Memorial Day gives us a chance to remember all those who’ve died protecting their communities. I was thinking not only of their sacrifice but also of their family and friends.

“I will continue to work to support our firefighters and the continued work they do to keep us all safe.’’

Firefighters’ Memorial Day was marked with a minute’s silence around the country at midday.

Fire Brigades Union general secretary Matt Wrack said, “This a huge moment of unity for us all as we come together to remember the courage and sacrifice of fallen firefighters. We must make sure the firefighters who died protecting their communities are remembered and honoured. As a union representing firefighters across the UK, we are proud to commemorate those have who come before us and to recognise their sacrifice and their contribution to the safety of people in our communities.”

The Fire Brigades Union and Firefighters’ Memorial Trust are laid a wreath at the National Firefighters’ Memorial by St Paul’s Cathedral in London, with the union’s general secretary Matt Wrack, president Ian Murray and Fire Brigades Union members all present.

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May 11, 2022

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