Ruth Cadbury Attacks Plans To Cut Free School Meals

Shocked at policy review of 'vital' scheme for low income families

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Local MP Ruth Cadbury, has expressed her ‘shock’ at the reports that the Governments ‘Free School Meal’ policy is to be reviewed.

The MP for Brentford & Isleworth said that the provision was "vital" and for some children was their only substantial meal of the day. She said she would be writing to the Education Minister about it.

Her comments follow reports that the scheme is under threat in the Autumn Spending Review in November, amid claims the scheme’s funding is ‘eating into the core education budget’. Prime Minister David Cameron said earlier htis week he is "very proud" of the free schools meals scheme but commented:

‘We are now going to have a spending review where obviously we have to make sure that we are delivering on our spending promises.’

Ruth Cadbury said today; "In Hounslow over 3,000 pupils, or 15% of total pupils, are eligible for free school meals. Schools have gone to great lengths to implement this scheme, and the Government is slamming the door in their faces before even properly evaluating it. At the same time the government is cutting tax credits for working families. This is simply not acceptable.”

Ms Cadbury added; “Cutting costs for the sake of it is not good enough. There needs to be an acknowledgement that spending money in certain areas has benefits. A country like ours should continue to provide basic provisions to our children.”

October 2, 2015

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