Ruth Cadbury MP Criticises Air Quality

"Expansion at Heathrow ... cannot go ahead"

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As well as criticising Thames Water for Mogden stink, newly-elected MP for Brentford & Isleworth, Ruth Cadbury, took opportunity of a debate in Parliament on Air Pollution to criticise pollution resulting from Heathrow, both in the skies and on the ground.

Ruth cited some small improvements that could be made "such as cleaner planes and a kiss and drop scheme. There could also be greater public transport use through increased capacity on the Piccadilly line, as well as through Crossrail and Airtrack."

She was not keen on the ultra-low emission zone around Heathrow, as advocated by Clean Air in London as "to be effective that zone would have to be so enormous that it would have a serious impact on the economy of the Thames valley area and be virtually impossible to enforce".

If you are a local resident that has been impacted by Air Pollution, email Ruth’s office at

June 15, 2015

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