Voting in the Acton Wards

Handful of votes determine results in key seats

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On a night of triumph for the Conservatives they have made significant gains in key seats in the Acton area. This formed a platform for their overall victory but, in fact they were very close to an even more comprehensive victory.

In South Acton a three way split of the vote meant that all parties polled high numbers. Labour took all seats but just 16 votes separate third and fourth place.

It was similarly tight in East Acton where Kate Crawford was returned for the ward, but her two Labour colleagues lost out with the Tories getting two seats.

In Acton Central a significant swing to the Conservatives brought them a surprisingly comfortable victory and in Southfield ward they took one seat in what is usually considered a Liberal Democrat stronghold..

Acton Central

Turnout: 33.2%

Name of candidate Description Number of votes
Barczuk, Wolodymyr Mykola The Conservative Party candidate 1228 elected
Byrne, Theresa Mary The Labour Party candidate 1016
Cunningham, Richard Labour Democrat Focus Team 523
Delaney, John Louis The Labour Party candidate 1005
Evans, Laurence Francois The Labour Party candidate 871
Gyawu-Kyem, Sonia Ann Christian Peoples Alliance 116
Joachim, Margaret Jane Labour Democrat Focus Team 570
Kumar, Seema Toqueer The Conservative Party candidate 1091 elected
Meiklejohn, Christina Leith Violet Green Party 423
O'Connor, Michael Labour Democrat Focus Team 569
Randall, Marie-Christine The Conservative Party candidate 1284 elected
White, Kenneth Paul Independent 332

East Acton

Turnout: 32.63%

Name of candidate Description Number of votes
Allwright, Donald Anthony Liberal Democrat Focus Team  525
Crawford, Kathleen Glynis, commonly known as Kate The Labour Party candidate 1210 elected
Grabowski, Fiona Margaret Liberal Democrat Focus Team  482
Martin, William Grant Liberal Democrat Focus Team  419
Portwood, Philip John The Labour Party candidate 1155
Randall, James Albert, commonly known as Jim The Conservative Party candidate 1297 elected
Ross, John The Conservative Party candidate 1213 elected
Said, Atallah Saleh The Labour Party candidate 1083
Stern, Jillian Denise, commonly known as Jill The Conservative Party candidate 1167

South Acton

Turnout: 36.44%

Name of candidate Description Number of votes
Brookes, Elizabeth The Labour Party candidate 1128 elected
Bunting, Bernard The Conservative Party candidate 1004                  
Dennehy, Benjamin Luke The Conservative Party candidate 1043               
Gallagher, John Stuart The Labour Party candidate 1062 elected
Johnson, Yvonne Elizabeth The Labour Party candidate 1062 elected
LLoyd-James, Huw Liberal Democrat Focus Team 892
Outten, Brian Adrian Green Party 387
Owens, Emmeline The Conservative Party candidate 1046                     
Steed, Andrew Timothy Liberal Democrat Focus Team 920        
Winkfield, Nicholas John Liberal Democrat Focus Team 856          


Turnout: 37.53%

Name of candidate Description Number of votes
Bastin, Colin The Labour Party candidate 680
Carter, Rex Edward John U.K. Independence Party 104
Diamond, Sebastian Green Party 579
Gulaid, Abdullah Ahmed The Labour Party candidate 555 
Kietz, Linda Jean The Labour Party candidate 558 
Malcolm, Gary Liberal Democrat Focus Team 1360 elected
Merriman, Huw William The Conservative Party candidate 1330
Miller, Anthony Henry John Liberal Democrat Focus Team 1149
Morley, Robert George The Conservative Party candidate 1291
Reilly, Elizabeth Phyllis The Conservative Party candidate 1376 elected
Rose, Harvey Burlingham Liberal Democrat Focus Team 1388 elected

May 5, 2006