Hammersmith & Fulham to Cut Tax |
Council claim bills will fall as frontline services improve
Hammersmith & Fulham residents are set to see their council tax bills go down for the first time in over a decade. The council is proposing a 3 per cent council tax cut which is expected to be the biggest council tax drop in London.This comes at a time when most other boroughs in the country are expecting to see an increase. The decrease will bring Council Tax levels back to what the were in 2004 and Cllr. Greenhalgh is claiming that this meets his party's manifesto commitment of lower tax bills combined with improved front line services. He said, "That's got to be great news for everyone, particularly for our pensioners and those on low incomes." Savings in the budget are put at £14.5million and include reductions in cost due to contracting out home care, sharing services with neighbouring boroughs and improving working practices. £5 million has been taken out of the budget by reducing bureaucracy, staff and office costs including cutting political advisers and policy officers. Another £3million saving is budgeted due to getting better value for money from suppliers and from using new IT systems to cut costs. The bills that local residents pay will not actually be 3% lower as the GLA Precept charged for services provided by the Mayor is expected to rise by 5% The Council points out that this comes on top of significant rises in public transport charges. January 8, 2007 |