Conservative Pulls Out Of Ealing Central & Acton Election Hustings

Joy Morrissey is threatening legal action over Labour campaign leaflets

Questions asked from the audience at election hustings

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Joy Morrissey Candidate Profile

Rupa Huq Candidate Profile

Jon Ball Candidate Profile


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The Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Ealing Central and Acton has pulled out of election hustings and is threatening legal action in a political row with her Labour opposite number.

Joy Morrissey didn't attend the NUT organised event in Ealing Town Hall last night (25 May) and says she won't be turning up for any further hustings.

She is unhappy with comments on Rupa Huq's campaign leaflets, distributed in the constituency, claiming they 'are part of the Labour Party’s efforts to deceive Ealing constituents.'

She told us, '' I have no complaint about the normal cut and thrust of political debate.  However, when my opponent publishes blatant lies about me in an attempt to fool the public, I cannot let it go unchallenged. The untruths she has been perpetrating are not matters of opinion, but matters of fact.

"1.  Ealing Hospital is closing - It is not.  Fact.2.  I voted to close Ealing Hospital - I did not. Fact.3.  I am a ‘Hard Brexit Activist’ - I am not.  Fact.

"As a consequence, I have no intention of taking part in any hustings until these falsehoods are retracted.  Furthermore, in the event of a failure to do so, we fully intend to pursue the matter legally.''

Rupa Huq says, '' Whilst in a fragile state having buried my mother twenty four hours earlier with a range of emotions running through me as well as  the colossal administrative tasks that accompany the passing of my last remaining parent, I turned up nonetheless to the education hustings as I knew parents from Ealing schools had had details circulated in bookbags and wanted to hear about their respective parties’ policies on this crucial topic thus would be attending in good faith.

''It is disappointing that there was no Tory present. This does however seem to be part of a pattern: consistent with the national leadership where the Prime Minister decreed that there would be no leader’s debates while announcing the 'snap' election and the Saturday disability hustings where no Tory was present."

The line up of speakers at the event

Liberal Democrat candidate, Jon Ball, says he wasn't aware of the row over campaign literature but had heard that a replacement Conservative was to attend the hustings but says he wasn't too surprised they didn't.

''The Conservative government has slashed spending on schools in real terms and is now proposing to waste billions on a return to the discredited grammar school system. It is unsurprising that the Conservative candidate felt unable to defend her party's record to an audience of teachers, parents and school governors. I set out Lib Dem plans to invest £7bn in schools and colleges to reverse Tory cuts, including £35 more on Ealing schools. This would include retaining the pupil premium, improving early years education and retaining free school meals."

Ealing NUT Secretary, Stefan Sims said, '' Joy Morrissey did not attend this successful event because she would not be able to defend her previous government £2.2 billion cuts plus the further planned £3 billion of cuts to schools and the damage they will do to our children who are our future. She feared angry headteachers, teachers and parents. The children who will suffer the most from these cuts are the most vulnerable and poorest. Joy Morrissey by not attending has turned her back on  Ealing's children, parents and teachers. The audience made clear its offence at Joy Morrissey's snub.''

Ealing Central and Acton candidates

Jon Ball - Liberal Democrat

Rupa Huq - Labour

Joy Morrissey - Conservative



26 May 2017 (updated)

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