Addison Gardens Couple Left Without Heating for Four Months

Delays in planning process hold up replacement gas pipe

Simeon Mowle is currently having freezing showers
Simeon Mowle is currently having freezing showers


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A couple living in Addison Gardens have been left without hot water for four months following a gas leak.

Simeon and Alex Mowle have had no hot water or central heating since the start of September.

They had their gas turned off in Addison Gardens as their pipes were ruled to be unsafe.

Simeon said, “It took me two hours to run my wife a bath.”

Now the couple could be left shivering for up to 12 weeks while they wait for Hammersmith and Fulham Council to grant planning permission for new pipe works.

The pair have been told they will not have hot water or heating until 13 December at the earliest.

But Simeon has been told the council could take eight to 10 weeks to decide whether to install a new pipe.

On some days the home is so cold they are forced to put the oven for warmth. For the pair to run a bath requires 16 pans of heated water, forcing Alex to shower at work.

Simeon Mowle needs to put oven on to warm up apartment
Simeon Mowle needs to put oven on to warm up apartment

But since Simeon works from home he is forced to face 20 second freezing showers.

On frozen mornings it is just one degrees in the apartment – making the shower water colder.

The couple previously had under floor heating but now they are forced to boil the kettle and wrap up warm.

Simeon is also worried that damp is starting to spread by their front door. Without the heating on, moisture has started to build up in spots Simeon has never seen before.

The website designer claims the whole block of flats they live in has been affected.

Simeon added, “People have been trying to get tenants in but they have just left straight away. It’s just been a disaster.”

A nearby hotel has offered the couple the chance to shower there in light of their problems.

Hammersmith and Fulham Council and Cadent have been contacted for comment.

Jacob Phillips - Local Democracy Reporter

November 15, 2021

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