Petition Launched in Support of Larch Drive Crossing

Road by the A4 described as a nightmare for pedestrians and cyclists

Larch Drive at the junction with Great West Road (A4)

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Petition in Favour on Larch Drive Crossing

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A petition has been launched by a local resident to call for Hounslow Council to investigate a safe crossing on Larch Drive which is described as currently being ‘a nightmare’.

This is the road that links the Great West Road and Gunnersbury Avenue in front of what currently is the B&Q DIY store near Chiswick Roundabout.

The petition which is being hosted on was started by Craig Owen. He says that anyone needing to cross Larch Drive either on foot or by bike between Brentford and Chiswick faces a long wait and a ‘risk-laced’ crossing as drivers turn off the Great West Road at high speed often without indicating.

The petition states, “We call on Hounslow Borough Council to undertake a study on the benefit to pedestrians/cyclists and considering any potential congestion as a result.”

It is Craig’s understanding is the road will be retained whilst massive development is taking place around it which will result in a huge increase in the number of people living in the immediate area. The B&Q site is slated for a major scheme and an application has been submitted to build a 24-storey residential tower called Holly House adjacent to Larch Drive.

All three Turnham Green ward councillors, who represent the area including Larch Drive, have signed this petition and have written to Hounslow cabinet members Cllr Hanif Khan (transport), Cllr Guy Lambert (highways) and Cllr Steve Curran (council leader) as well as the lead transport officer urging them to support this petition.

Cllr Joanna Biddolph said, “This is one of those examples when a resident’s suggestion makes others, including councillors, wonder why they hadn’t thought of it themselves. It is such a sensible suggestion - to ask Hounslow council to investigate the feasibility of a crossing here, looking at the safety of pedestrians and cyclists as well as assessing any impact it might have on congestion.

"Mr Owen’s request is balanced and fair and I didn’t hesitate to sign the petition and to ask Hounslow council to review it. It is a tricky spot, where safety and traffic flow must be balanced, as recognised by Mr Owen. It might require a green man crossing to avoid causing congestion on this busy corner. I have suggested that the cost of the study, and of the crossing if it proves to be feasible, could legitimately be met from money raised by fixed penalty notice fines on Turnham Green Terrace, Devonshire Road, Fishers Lane and the South Chiswick Liveable Neighbourhood. I hope the cabinet members and lead officer will agree.”


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November 20, 2021

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